September 29-30, 2017 at Maritim Hotel, Berlin, Germany
DGZI is the oldest scientific Implantological expert association in Europe (founded in 1970), the GERMAN ASSOCIATION OF DENTAL IMPLANTOLOGY (DGZI) has not only attended the developments of oral Implantology but also established and created significant benchmarks.
Some examples are curriculum development programs, internships, supervisions, the annual international congresses, courses for surgery, specialist examinations, promotion and support of national and international research projects by the scientific DGZI advisory board as well as the presentation of the DGZI Implant Dentistry Award.
Dr Nicole Geha gave a lecture and a workshop at Sofia Dental Meeting, one of the biggest International Dental Meetings in Europe
Sofia Dental Meeting , 6-9 0ctober 2016 at Hotel Ramada, Sofia, Bulgaria
"The maxillary sinus: factors affecting bone formation in the maxillary sinus"
Sinus floor elevation represents a reliable technique for bone augmentation in the atrophic posterior maxilla.
Different studies have demonstrated that bone formation can occur in the maxillary sinus with and without the use of bone graft or substitutes but the exact mechanisms behind the bone formation observed are still not well understood and are subject to debate.
One aspect of clinical success in sinus floor augmentation is the deeper knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and the bone regeneration mechanisms in this specific anatomic area.
In this lecture an overview of the major factors affecting bone formation in the maxillary sinus will be demonstrated as well as some histological findings of a pilot study done on rabbits to determine the nature and characteristics of the bone to implant interface in case of intra alveolar sinus membrane elevation and simultaneous placement of dental implant.
Dr Nicole Geha has been granted the Prestigious Fellowship of the International College of Dentists (ICD).
Metropolitain Hotel, Beirut. Saturday november 8th, 2014.
Established in 1928, the College has over 12,000 members, in 122 countries, who have been awarded the prestigious title of Fellow in the ICD.
Fellowship in the College is extended by invitation only. A nominated dentist must pass a rigorous, peer review process leading to the recognition of the individual’s “outstanding professional achievement, meritorious service and dedication to the continued progress of dentistry for the benefit of humankind.”